COVID-19 - One Year Impact - All For Kids

Children's Bureau Update on Coronavirus



COVID-19 – One Year Impact

On March 19, 2020, California state and local officials issued a “Safer At Home” order, calling on people to remain at home as much as possible to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

A year later, we are still at home.  Throughout this time Children’s Bureau remained committed to helping vulnerable children and families in our community. After moving our workforce of nearly 500 employees to working remotely, we invested in building safety and sanitation efforts that ensured that the sites remaining open had precautionary measures in full force.

We’ve been here for the community — children and parents in our prevention programs, our foster-adopt resource families, those needing mental health therapy — and have continued to provide vital information, resources and services through our “new normal” way of connecting, and most importantly, caring.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Despite the pandemic, 48,000 at-risk children and families have been served in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
  • Our child abuse prevention programs offered over 11,000 hours of parenting information, support and community resources to over 27,000 participants.
  • 38 new foster parents were certified to help children in need of a safe and loving family, and many more are in the certification process thanks to our virtual orientation processes.
  • Over 4,400 children have received an average of 2,000 hours a week of teletherapy to help them with their emotional and behavioral stresses.
  • We hired and successfully onboarded over 100 new employees.
  • Our employees have received over 4,600 hours of training through our newly developed and award winning Children’s Bureau University.
  • Roughly 10% of our employees have been vaccinated as part of their commitment to continuing to provide hope to children, families, and communities.  That number grows more each day.

We’re looking forward to whatever next steps we need and/or get to take as the pandemic eases – we know that the pandemic hasn’t been the only challenges children face.

Now More Than Ever

The threat of COVID-19 brought the world together in unimaginable ways that have illustrated the hope and humanity we all share. Children’s Bureau, helping families and communities for 117 years, continues to overcome the many unforeseeable events…just like the one we’re experiencing now.

We can do this. But we need your support now more than ever. As always, we promise to be good stewards of your generosity with every donation going directly to helping vulnerable families in our community. Be the reason we get through this challenging time.

Give Now to Help Protect Vulnerable Children



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