Advocating for Children and Families Since 1904 - All For Kids



Advocating for Children and Families Since 1904

Children’s Bureau was founded in 1904 as an advocacy organization for children and families and it continues to carry on the tradition today. In January 2020 the Children’s Bureau Prevention Team attended the National Home Visiting Summit in Washington, DC hosted by Ounce of Prevention. The team had the opportunity tinform Washington DC officials about the impact the funding Children’s Bureau receives has on children and families served. Government funding helps agencies like Children’s Bureau offer programs and services such as home visitation which helps to monitor and prevent instance of child abuse and neglect. 

After meeting with the Children’s Bureau Prevention team, Congressman Rep. Jimmy Gomez from California’s 34th District said, “We want to know how we can help and are open to any ideas you have. Please know that we’re here and want that information.”  

The team delivered handwritten notes from families that have benefited Children’s Bureau’s programs to their representatives. In those notes, families shared how home visitation directly impacted their livesGomez expressed that he supports home visitation and the work Children’s Bureau is doing to promote maternal health and reduce the infant mortality rate.  

Through this direct advocacy, the team learned about the local resources available to them. With help from Kamala Harris’s staff, the team was connected to Los Angeles officials that can help with local issuesThe team is also working on maintaining the relationships that were formed during the conferenceThese local resources will help Children’s Bureau continue to carry out their mission in helping children and families by through prevention, treatment and advocacy.  

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